The period from DECEMBER, 1 2017 THROUGH DECEMBER 22, 2017 has been designated as the Annual Open Enrollment period during which employees who desire to change their health and/or dental insurance plan coverage options may do so.
- Employees desiring to change from one carrier to another must complete two (2) health insurance transaction forms: One form to cancel the current coverage and the other form to enroll with the new carrier. If switching to an HMO, e.g. HIP or Aetna, you must complete the HMO carrier's application. All forms/applications are to be returned to the department's human resource representative during the open enrollment period.
- Buy-Up Plan Option: Effective January 1, 2018 active employees enrolled in the Reimbursement/Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) option can purchase additional coverage through the Buy-Up Plan Option. Enrollment and disenrollment into the Buy-up Plan Option can only be done during open enrollment. Employees must keep the plan for the entire year. This option gives additional coverage at a minimal cost of $37.25 monthly. Details of the additional coverage are listed on page 10 of the attached dental brochure.
- Only active employees are eligible for this additional coverage. However, terminated employees who were previously enrolled can continue the coverage as part of their COBRA benefit.
- Employees who are on unpaid FML who are not required to pay for their health benefits will have to pay any Buy-Up Plan premiums in arrears upon return to payroll.
- Employees who are on unpaid FML or LWOP who are required to pay for their health benefits must also pay the Buy-Up premium. If employees choose to allow their dental coverage to terminate for non-payment, Buy-Up option will also terminate and not be available upon return to payroll. Because this is an annual plan there cannot be any breaks in coverage.
- If Buy-Up option is terminated due to non-payment prior to year-end any unused benefits will be forfeited. Employees will have to wait for open enrollment to re-enroll.
- Employees desiring to make an option change to or from the Reimbursement/Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) or Comprehensive (Managed Care) plans must complete a new dental application form and submit it to your department's human resource representative during the open enrollment period. The dental application form may be obtained from your human resource representative.
**PLEASE NOTE: If you are changing from the Comprehensive plan to the Reimbursement plan, please verify with Healthplex that the change has been processed BEFORE you are treated by the new dentist**.
You may contact Healthplex at telephone # 1800-468-0600. You may also log onto the Healthplex website at www.healthplex.com and sign-up to become a User. Becoming a User will allow you to view your account information, check eligibility of your dependents, find a dentist, request duplicate ID cards & Access My Smile Guide.
- Please be advised that it is your responsibility to inform your HR representative of any change in your marital status that would affect your health coverage. For example, if you are divorced you must notify your HR representative of the divorce in a timely manner so that your spouse and any ineligible dependents can be removed from the policy. If notification of the divorce is delayed, you may be responsible for unrecoverable premiums paid by Nassau County for the ex-spouse and/or ineligible dependents' coverage.
- 65th Birthday Letter for Active Employees and their Dependents: As of August 2016 NYS Department of Civil Service, administrators of NYSHIP, will be mailing out 65th Birthday Letters to active employees, and dependents of active employees. The 65th birthday mailing provides general guidance regarding Medicare and NYSHIP rules while working, and reminds enrollees of their responsibility to enroll in Medicare when they are planning to retire. The mailing includes a personalized letter, and the Medicare & NYSHIP booklet with DVD, which provides more detailed information.
- Social Security Numbers (SSN) for ACA reporting: As you are aware, we are required to file Form 1095C showing proof of insurance coverage for you and your eligible dependents. In order to be compliant with this filing requirement, we will not be enrolling dependents for whom we are not provided a SSN - except in the case of newborns. Newborns will be enrolled pending the SSN. Employees will have 30 days to provide the SSN.
- Effective 1/1/2018 Empire Blue Cross HMO will be moving to a new claims/customer service platform. This is an internal migration and will have no impact on your benefits. However, you will receive new ID cards. You will also receive a letter from Empire Blue Cross explaining this move.
- If you are in an unpaid status due to illness and are required to pay for your health insurance, you may be eligible for a waiver of premium. Please contact your HR representative immediately to obtain information on how you can submit a waiver of premium application. You may also visit the FAQ section of our website for more information.
- If you or any of your dependents has End-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure) and has completed Medicare's waiting period of up to 3 months and the 30-month coordination period; you will become eligible for Medicare Primary coverage. You should notify your HR representative immediately, and provide a copy of your Medicare card. Once we receive proof of your Medicare Primary status we will start reimbursing your Part B premiums. Reimbursements are made two times a year in June and December.
- If you or any of your dependents are eligible for Medicare Part B prior to your retirement, but were not enrolled because you were an active employee; it is imperative that you and/or your dependents apply for Medicare no later than one month prior to your retirement. It may be advantageous for you and/or your dependents to enroll in Part A at age 65 - there is usually no premium for Part A.
*Anyone interested in changing their Health or Dental Insurance options can contact Human Resources or the Union Office for the Necessary forms.*