Dear COBA Members;
The Nassau Police Veterans Association, a proud partner of Nassau COBA, will hold its 4th Annual Military Ball at the Plattdeutsch Park Restaurant on Thursday November 10th, 2022 from 6pm to 10pm. In honor of our Military Veterans, COBA will sponsor all Active Duty Correction Officers and Supervisors who are Military Veterans and one guest to attend this wonderful annual event.
If you are an Active Duty Correction Officer/Supervisor and a Military Veteran, and wish to attend this event as a guest of COBA, please contact Shannon at the COBA Office
at 516-937-7800 to hold your reservation.
The deadline to reserve your spot/s is by close of business on Friday November 4th, 2022.
See the event flier below.
In Unity;
Brian Sullivan, COBA President