To All COBA Members;
Patricia McCann, widow of Correction Officer James McCann sent a card to the COBA office that she wanted us to share with our membership after the passing of her husband.
I've typed out the message for easier reading. A photo of the actual card is below.
"To all the Members of the Nassau County Sheriffs Dept:
My husband wasn't the type to bring 'the job' home, so I was never fully aware of the extent to which the Correction Officers are a true family. And like a family, you have had our backs in time of great need. With each exchange, from 'was Jimmy salty at home like he was at work? To, Jimmy talked about his family all the time.' I was comforted by your words and felt thoroughly supported even in distressful and overwhelming circumstances. My husband looked forward to attending sponsored outings, especially golf. Each activity reinforced your bond and further cultivated the inspiring relationship that the Correction Family has become. The immeasurable consolation everyone offered has sustained me and continues to do so even as I lay in bed at night trying to fall asleep. Please accept these words of gratitude and affection as a token of my sincere appreciation, adoration and love. This family you have created fills my heart. Thank you for being my husband's family. Your loyalty strength and willingness to help when my family needed it most will continue to bolster me as well as my son and daughter. We are indebted to your kindness. Thank you for extending your 'Corrections Family' to our own."
The Family of James McCann
Rest in Peace James McCann