
About Us

The Nassau County Sheriff Correction Officers Benevolent Association was originally formed as a fraternal organization in 1995. On April 28,1999, the Nassau County Sheriff Officer's Association was established as the certified union for all Nassau County Correction Officers and Supervisory ranks. ShOA is recognized by the County of Nassau as the exclusive and unchallenged negotiating representative for collective negotiations with respect to rates of pay, salaries, hours, grievances and other terms and conditions of employment for all employees in the negotiating unit. On April 25th, 2012 the COBA Members voted to change the name of the Union to better reflect the membership it represents.

Our Mission

The mission of the Nassau County Sheriff's Correction Officers Benevolent Association is for the complete and general organization of all Correction Officer titled employees in the Nassau County Sheriff's Department, which includes the rank of Correction Recruit, Correction Officer, Correction Corporal, Correction Sergeant, Correction Lieutenant, and Correction Captain, exclusively. Nassau COBA strives to promote the advancement of the principles of collective bargaining by serving as its sole Bargaining Agent, safeguarding our members rights as Public Employees. Nassau COBA is committed to enhancing and improving the salary and benefits of our members, while ensuring the safest working conditions and protecting the general welfare of the membership. Nassau COBA is dedicated to promoting a fraternal environment among our membership. Each member of the Association shall be treated fairly and equally, regardless of race, gender, age, creed, rank, nationality, or other sexual orientation. Nassau COBA also engages in civic, cultural, educational, and political activities that are

Widow's &
Children's Fund

The Nassau COBA Widows and Children's Fund was established in 2006 to benefit the families of deceased Nassau County Correction Officers who died while in active service in the Department. Since its inception, this fund has distributed over $59,000 to the widows and/or spouses of our brother and sister correction officers who have unexpectedly left us too soon. These payments are made at the time of their death to help defray some of the funeral-related costs.

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