Dear COBA Members and Retirees;
Today marked 19 years since the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11/01.
As we have done each year since, the 0730 hours Day Tour Roll Call was held in front of A-Bldg so that a short ceremony could be conducted in honor and remembrance of all who perished on that terrible day. Also, to remember those who have since passed away through the years of illnesses related to exposure to toxins at Ground Zero.
At today's ceremony we also dedicated our new Widows and Children's Monument in honor of our Brothers and Sisters who passed away while in Active Service. This new Monument was supposed to be unveiled last May at our Annual ceremony, but was delayed due to the COVID Pandemic.
We found it fitting to unveil the new Monument today, since 2 of our Members died of 9/11 related cancers. Officer Larry Lamme' and Sergeant Mark Baxter.
Although today's ceremony was an abbreviated version of our regular event, and surviving family members were not able to attend, it was a moving tribute to those we lost.
Thank you to County Executive Laura Curran for attending, Sheriff Dzurenda for his words and a special thank you to former Jail Chaplain, Deacon John McGonigle, who come back to the facility and gave the Benediction at today's event on his own time. Deacon John has provided warm guidance at our events for many years and although he no longer works here, his attendance was greatly appreciated and we thank him for his many years of service to our Department.
Thank you also to each of the Fraternal Organizations who brought flower arrangements to the new Monument, including the Emerald Society, The Guardians and the Columbia Association.
Thank you Correction Officer Anthony O'Brien and Deputy Sheriff Investigator John Milton for playing the Pipes and Drums for us today.
Thank you to the men and women of the Sheriffs Department for the work you perform every day. You honor those we lost by continuing their legacies in their footsteps.
Last and certainly not least, a big Thank You to the Members of the COBA Widows and Children's Fund. Due to their dedication and hard work, we have two beautiful Monuments. One for Line of Duty deaths and one for Deaths of Active Service Members that will forever bear the names of our own so that they may be eternally remembered.
Thank you Chairman Victor Millman, John Donohue, Richard Nauss, Joseph Collins, Jamie Romaine, Kelly Mankowski, Maggio Ventura, Patrick Manganaro, Eugene O'Brien and Adrian Campodonico.
I urge every member of this Department to visit the beautiful Memorial and say a prayer for those who left us and one for their families who had to move on without them.
See photos of today's event below:
Sheriff Dzurenda addressing the Troops
The Brave Men and Women of the Dept of Corrections
Members of the Widows and Childrens Cmte with the Sheriff, County Exec and Deacon John
Thank you Deacon John for your years of Service to the Sheriffs Dept.
County Executive Curran
Sheriffs Emergency Response Team
Sheriffs Dept Honor Guard