Coba Alert

Shift Differential Retro Payment

July 1, 2017

As you all know COBA was issued an Award from Arbitrator Martin Scheinman that corrected our long standing Shift Differential Pay Grievance. The payment of Shift Differential for all future payments was corrected a few months back. Along with that correction, retroactive monies are owed dating from that correction back to January of 2015. The retroactive monies were directed to be paid within 90 days of the correction, giving time for the County to calculate what each member is owed. These retro monies were expected to be paid on this week's (S) Payroll. As you all know by now this didn't happen.

Investigation into what happened revealed that the Comptrollers Office hadn't processed the completed data in time for this payroll run. Further digging revealed that it appears to have been an honest mistake made by overburdened processors in Comptrollers and that nothing was done maliciously or administratively to stop this payment.

The issue appears to have been rectified with Comptrollers and COBA has no intention of making an issue of its immediate tardiness at this time. The retro is being processed now at Comptrollers and should be scheduled for payment on July 13th with the next (S) Payroll run.

Should there be any other issues, I will notify you immediately.


News from the Nassau County Sheriff’s Correction Officers Benevolent Association



Isaacs Devasia Castro & Wien
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