Coba Alert

Open Enrollment Healthcare Update

January 16, 2025

The County has started Open Enrollment for Health Insurance Plans from January 13, 2025 thru January 24, 2025.

For COBA Members hired before June 1, 2014, no change have been made in regards to your payroll deduction, which will continue to be 2.5 percent of your base salary. However, if you would like to change Health Insurance Plans you would have the ability to do so at this time.  

For COBA Members hired after June 1, 2024, you also have the ability to change Health Insurance Plans during this timeframe. To reiterate any COBA Member who are enrolled in the Anthem/Blue Access PPO Plan, will “no longer” be responsible for the 2.5 percent of salary payroll deductions, but will continue to be responsible for the Delta. As stated earlier, the Anthem/Anthem Blue Access plan has a 9.9% increase from last year’s premium on the renewal rate for 2025. If enrolled In the Anthem/Blue Access PPO the Delta costs to the Member will be:

Individual Plan- $ 46.43 per Check (24 deductions per year) equaling $1,114.32 per year.

Family Plan- $141.37 per Check (24 deductions per year) equaling $3,392.88 per year

If Members hired after June 1, 2014 elect to enroll in The Empire Plan/NYSHIP the cost to the Member will be:

Individual Plan- $110.96 per check (24 deductions per year) equaling $2,663.04 per year.

Family Plan- $252.59 per check (24 deductions per year) equaling $6062.04 per year.

As a reminder and pursuant to the 2014-2018 CBA, if a COBA Member wishes to enroll in NYSHIP, the Member would be responsible for 15% of the applicable premium (individual or Family). The agreement gives COBA Members hired on or after June 1, 2014, the ability to choose the alternative Plan (Anthem/Blue ACCESS) which the County pays up to 85% of the applicable Premium. If the cost of the alternative plan (Anthem/Blue ACCESS) is over the 85% cost to the county, the Member is responsible for paying that remaining amount above the 85% which is referred to as the “Delta.”

Also, The Delta costs are deducted form 24 checks per year/twice a month. The two months that have 3 checks (May/October), the first two checks of the month will have the Delta deductions for the Individual Plan and the Family Plan.  

Reminder: The Stony Brook Network is still currently out-of-Network in the Anthem/Blue Access plan, but is “in Network for NYSHIP”. Although in an Emergency Situation, the Hospital must accept the In-Network rate by law for “Emergency Treatment”.

The County is also offering a Healthcare Plan at no cost to all COBA Members (without percentage of base salary payroll deductions or a Delta cost). This Plan is the Anthem PPO HDHP (High Deductible Health Plan) with the HSA (Health Savings Account). This plan, is based off of deductibles rather them copays. Once the deductibles are satisfied for the Plan year in a specific category (In Network/Out of Network etc.), there is no cost for any applicable healthcare services.  

Advantages of using an HDHP plan with an HSA:

  • Preventative Care is covered 100% at no cost to enrollees (see attached documents)
  • There are no co-pays, you will pay the agreed in network fee that the provider has agreed to.
  • The current payroll costs do not include co-pays you have to pay. If you put these monies into the HSA you will only use money for actual Medical services rendered.
  • The HSA account rolls over every year, unlike the current FSA (Flexible Spending Account) which is only good for the plan year.  
  • HSA contributions will be taken out on a Pre-Tax basis and grows tax deferred.
  • HSA contributions could be used for any Medical, Dental or Vision Expenses. Also, could be used certain pharmacy items such as allergy medication, knee braces etc.
  • Designated Debit Card to be used medical expenses
  • You could use the HSA online bill-pay tool to pay Medical Bills or reimburse yourself for applicable expenses from your account.
  • Can put HSA monies into investments once you have over $1000 in account.
  • The money you put in your HSA are yours to keep, even if you switch health plans, change jobs or retire.

Please see attached documents of how this plan works:

The County does provides other supplementary Health Insurance Plans. To view these plans, please ensure you review your Nassau County email for details and plan documents regarding the 2025 Health Insurance Open Enrollment.

We are aware that your choice of a Healthcare Network is a major decision for you and your family. Should you have questions, reach out to any executive board members during this Open Enrollment Period.

Read More Click Here

PPO/HSA Documents


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