Coba Alert

Contract Update

February 16, 2022

Dear COBA Members;

Over the last week or two the job has been running rampant with rumors regarding our contract talks and what may or may not be coming down the pike.

As you know we were not able to finalize a deal with the Curran Administration.

Then, after her election defeat, her administration basically took a powder and left the issue hanging, punting the contract talks to the new Blakeman Administration.

We have been in constant contact with the County's new Administration who have been bogged down with putting their team together along with playing catch up with not only our contract issues, but that of the other unions in the County, as well as the outstanding Longevity issue, the staffing problems etc.

Where these rumors began over the last week or two I have no idea.

Yesterday, I addressed the Platoon 6 lineup in the Core to talk about these rumors which only seemed to upset the hornet's nest further because of more rumors that were spread later about what was said at that lineup.

What I can tell you with all certainty is this. We do not have a deal with the County on our contract as of yet. Are we close? Yes. Are we done? No.

Everything you are hearing in the jail or on the job right now is purely speculation.

Over the next several days, the Union will be addressing lineups and answering any questions you may have. There is also a General Membership Meeting scheduled for next Wednesday Feb 23rd, at 8pm at Levittown Hall that I urge everyone to attend.

As we have said on numerous occasions, once a deal is finalized with the County (and remember also with NIFA, since the County is still not in charge of its own finances), you will then be given the full agreement which is what YOU will base your opinion and vote on. Not items that are over analyzed and critiqued on an individual basis by those who thrive on creating hysteria. Once you have that deal in your hand and it is explained in full by the negotiating committee, you will have all of the information available to you. It will then be put out for a vote. Please do not form any premeditated opinions until you have all the information and can make an informed decision on your contract and your future.

I'll see you at your lineups and at the meeting next week.

Brian Sullivan, COBA President


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