Coba Alert

Contract Negotiations Update

September 7, 2023

Dear COBA Members;

On August 22nd, I notified you that CSEA had ratified their contract proposal. And, with that information in our hand, we had begun the process to renegotiate our contract.

Just over two weeks later, there are several rumors making the rounds about our negotiations. From what items are being discussed, to timeframes regarding the completion of a new deal etc.

These rumors, the origin of which are unknown, are a complete disservice to all COBA Members and serve only to antagonize and create controversy.

We all know that this entire process has been long and frustrating. Not only for COBA but for all of Nassau's Unions and employees given the parameters we have had to work with while still under a financial "Control Period" with NIFA. The 3 Police Unions have settled their contracts, one of which the PBA's was redone approximately 2 years after their membership turned down their deal, similar to what happened here. Again, we know it is frustrating to wait for renegotiations, but the wheels of progress have been moving in the right direction. Now that CSEA is done, only COBA and Nassau's DA Investigators remain without a new deal.

I sincerely ask that you bear with us as we work to hammer out a new deal.

If you have any questions whatsoever, don't just listen to the bullshit on the rumor wire that somebody is taking perverse pleasure in spreading.

While we cannot and do not openly discuss ongoing negotiations because it is counterproductive due to the way things can change in the negotiating room, we can certainly debunk bullshit and rumors. Feel free to contact any member of the Executive Board including me, with any serious questions you may have concerning not only the contract but any serious issue affecting you as a COBA Union Member. I would ask that you contact a COBA Delegate with any day to day routine issues.

To be clear......Yes we have reentered into full negotiations with Nassau County and NIFA's hired negotiator. And while I will not put a timeframe on anything, just know that we are in active talks and it is the number one priority of COBA to get a new deal done that our Members deserve, will accept and ratify.

Thank you all for your dedication and for the hard work you continually provide in these very stressful times.

Always in Unity;

Brian Sullivan, COBA President


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