Coba Alert

COBA Alert: Updated Overtime Payment

September 3, 2024

Dear COBA Members,

This past week we were made aware by Human Resources that the County has made a decision to fundamentally change the way that overtime is processed and therefore streamline overtime paid to COBA members. In the past, all the overtime from a specific “pay period”, a date range that overtime worked in between those specific dates, would be processed and then paid out several weeks later. Meaning, our members were working overtime and getting paid those hours roughly 3 weeks after working the overtime. If there was an issue, it was sometimes extended to 5-7 weeks later.

Under the new system overtime will be continuously processed and entered into the system by HR. This means that the old structured “pay period” way of processing overtime hours has been discontinued. When the County runs their payroll the week prior to receiving your overtime check, all hours entered will be paid out. In simplest terms, the overtime check dates will stay the same, however, all hours entered up to the weekend prior to the overtime check generating (the Tuesday before the overtime pay date) will be paid out.

What does this mean to you?

As many have noticed in their overtime pay this past week, Human Resources was able to process more than the usual 2 week pay period that was used in the previous overtime payroll system. With this new way of processing, the overtime pay dates for checks will remain the same.

How can you verify what days were paid in this overtime check?

In people soft there is a “Payroll Details” hyperlink that shows the days that were processed for that overtime check. Use this hyperlink to monitor the hours of pay in that check to make sure your records and payment coincide as you have done in the past.

Going forward this process will speed up the timeline that COBA members receive money for the hours they work in overtime. As more days are processed, Human Resources will bridge the gap between when you work the overtime and when you see the compensation for those days in your accounts. Basically, you will be getting paid your overtime within 7-10 days of actually working it.

Regardless of the number of hours worked and being paid out, there will be NO change in the amount of taxes taken out.

For any additional questions regarding this issue feel free to contact Human Resources as they are a great resource of information regarding the ins and outs of our payroll system.


News from the Nassau County Sheriff’s Correction Officers Benevolent Association



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