Dear COBA Members,
It has recently come to COBA’s attention that several members in NYS Retirement Tiers 5 & 6 have had additional deductions taken out of the last several payroll checks. These deductions are listed as 414H arrears. In an effort to understand why these deductions affected certain members of COBA, we reached out to the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and were informed that New York State instructed Nassau County to deduct these mandatory contributions from the certain COBA Members who were found to have insufficient funds in their NYSLRS retirement account. We have also been in contact with the Retirement System and they stated that letters will be sent out in the near future concerning the insufficient funds.
We recommended that you check your online NYSLRS account for any possible documents concerning the arrears. You can also contact NYSLRS either by email or by phone at 1-866-805-0990.
As always, feel free to contact us if you have any further issues concerning this matter.
Andrew James
2nd Vice President