Coba Alert

20 Year Bill Letter Writing Campaign

October 28, 2016

Letter writing campaign for Bill 4001b optional 20 year retirement plan for county correction officers and deputy sheriffs involved in corrections work.  On May 23, 2016, the bill passed the Senate, and on June 14, 2016 the same bill passed the Assembly.

However, a major hurdle remains, as the legislation has to be signed into law by the Governor.  History shows that governors have not been hesitant to veto retirement legislation over the years, and we cannot simply sit back and hope for the best.  We need people to aggressively seek positive action by the Governor on this bill.

A copy of a sample memorandum of support is attached.  Feel free to copy it, modify it, or write your own letter to the Governor in support of the legislation.  The letters need not contain great detail, and should be limited to one page.  The goal is to have a slew of support letters showing up at the Governor's office so that they get put into the bill jacket.

In order to increase the chances of success on this Bill, we ask that you send a letter of support on behalf of yourself and encourage your families and friends to send their own letters of support.

Letters should be mailed to:

Denise Gagnon, Legislative Secretary

Executive Chamber

State Capitol - Room 239

Albany, NY 12224

You can also e-mail letters to:

We don't know when the bill will be transmitted to the Governor - he has 10 days from the date it is transmitted to either sign or veto.  So please get those letters written and submitted soon.  

Download: 20 Year retirement Bill Sample Letter


News from the Nassau County Sheriff’s Correction Officers Benevolent Association



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